"hi": "Hello there!", 
        "hello": "Hello there!",
        "hi!": "Hello there! How are you today?",
        "hello!": "Hello there! How are you today?",
        "how are you?": "I'm doing great!",
        "what's your name?": "I'm FireKite!",
        "how are you": "I'm doing great!",
        "what's your name": "I'm FireKite!",
        "i'm good": "That's great to hear!",
        "i'm great": "Glad to hear it!",
        "what can you do?": "I'm a ChatBot made by SuperZekes you can clone the repo yourself and and/remove messages! https://github.com/SuperZekes/FireKite",
        "what are you?": "I'm a ChatBot made by SuperZekes you can clone the repo yourself and and/remove messages! https://github.com/SuperZekes/FireKite",
        "what are your skills?": "Chatting based off of commands and responses",
        "can you code?": "I don't actually write code myself",
        "goodbye": "Goodbye!",
        "bye": "Goodbye!",
        "goodbye!": "Goodbye!",
        "bye!": "Goodbye!",
        "good": "That's great to hear!",
        "good morning": "Good morning to you as well!",
        "good afternoon": "Good afternoon to you as well!",
        "good evening": "Good evening to you as well!"